Poultry Product Board biosecurity audit

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Species: Poultry

Country: Hungary

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In Hungary around 85% of the poultry producers, accounting for almost 90-95 % of the poultry meat production, are associated and represented by the Poultry Product Board. After facing some severe highly pathogenic Avian Influenza outbreaks in the recent years, the Poultry Product Board decided to develop a biosecurity audit in close collaboration with poultry experts.
Performing the biosecurity audit is mandatory for all Poultry Product Board associated producers and should be done annually. The goal of the audit is to improve the biosecurity on the farm with a focus on biosecurity measures crucial to prevent the introduction of Avian Influenza.

Data collection

The annual biosecurity audits are conducted by external official poultry experts when visiting the farms with direct inspection of the production units. The person that is interviewed during the audit is preferably someone who knows the farm such as the farm owner, worker or manager.

Data analysis, reporting and benchmarking

Data are analysed by a scoring method based on weighting biosecurity measures or a group of measures. A written report is generated with recommendations and suggestions on how to improve the biosecurity and can be send to the farmer. Each year the Poultry Product Board hosts a meeting at which the results of the last audits are presented.  

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