Enhancing biosecurity in livestock production

AVP/PRRSV Preventiescan

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Species: Pigs

Country: The Netherlands

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The development of the AVP preventiescan (ASF prevention assessment) was an initiative of POV, the producers organization for pigs in the Netherlands, as a continuation of the African Swine Fever Roadmap. The assessment focuses on the external biosecurity on pig farms and aims to create more insight on the biosecurity level of the farm. Two different versions of the AVP preventiescan exist, one for the intensive regular/organic pig farms and one for farms where pigs have outdoor access. Recently, as an addition, the PRRSV preventiescan was developed, highlighting the external and internal biosecurity measures important for effective PRRS control. At this moment the PRRSV preventiescan is a separate tool in the initiation phase. In the future, the two scans might be merged into one assessment focusing on biosecurity as a whole.
Completing the assessment on the website is free of charge.

Data collection

The external biosecurity data from the AVP preventiescan are collected by answering 11 questions using an online tool on the website. Based on the answer given, one or more in depth questions can be asked. Most often the AVP peventiescan is completed by the farm owner or worker as a self-evaluation.

Data analysis, reporting and benchmarking

The data are analyzed pure descriptively. After completing the assessment, a report is immediately generated with suggestions and recommendations for the farmer on how to improve biosecurity. The farmer can use this report as a starting point to work towards better biosecurity together with the farm veterinarian or advisor. Benchmarking of the farms is not performed.

More information – contact

More information on the AVP-preventiescan

Completing the scans