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Species: Pigs

Country: France

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PorcProtect is an online audit service offered by IFIP – Institut Du Porc since 2018 as part of the Ministry
of Agriculture’s EcoAntibio Plan. The goal is to visualize the level of biosecurity at the pig farm and to
identify the external and internal biosecurity measures that could be improved to lower the risk of
pathogen introduction and spread. PorcProtect offers 3 types of audits. A first small audit that the
farmer can do as a self-assessment, a second risk analysis focussing on external biosecurity and a third
complete audit focussing both on internal and external biosecurity. Conducting the audit and receiving a
farm-specific report is free of charge.

Data collection

Completing the PorcProtect audits is voluntary and depending on which of the three audits is used data
on external and/or internal biosecurity measures are collected. Therefore, a farm visit with a direct
inspection of the farm and the production units by using the online PorcProtect tool is performed. The
audit can be done by any person interested such as the farm veterinary advisor, the herd veterinarian,
an external auditor from industry, or by the farm worker or manager (self-evaluation). The person
interviewed during the evaluation is preferably the farm owner or manager.

Data analysis, reporting and benchmarking

After completing the audit, a descriptive evaluation of the data is done. A report is generated giving an
overview of the answers of the farmer on the specific biosecurity measures. Benchmarking is done by
showing in the report the average answer of the other farms in the PorcProtect database. This report is
available for the person who completed the survey and can be exported or printed to hand to the

More information – contact

PorcProtect | https://porcprotect.ifip.asso.fr/Account/Login