Enhancing biosecurity in livestock production

Sophie Planchand

Home >> Partners >> INRAE Sophie Planchand Veterinary Epidemiologist   Linkedin Envelope

Sébastien Lambert

Home >> Partners >> INRAE Sébastien Lambert Postdoc Researcher   Linkedin Envelope

Brandon Hayes

Home >> Partners >> INRAE Brandon Hayes Scientific Researcher   Linkedin Envelope

Timothée Vergne

Home >> Partners >> INRAE Timothée Vergne Associate Professor of Veterinary Public Health Timothée Vergne graduated from the National Veterinary School of Toulouse in 2009. After having completed a Master of Science on Veterinary Epidemiology, he undertook a PhD (2009-2012) at the University of Paris XI on the quantitative evaluation of animal health surveillance systems. […]

Mattias Delpont

Home >> Partners >> INRAE Mattias Delpont Researcher and Clinician   Linkedin Envelope

Mathilde Paul

Home >> Partners >> INRAE Mathilde Paul Assistant Professor in Veterinary Epidemiology Mathilde Paul graduated from the National Veterinary School of Maisons-Alfort (France) in 2003. She holds a Masters and a PhD in Health Geography (2011) from the University of Paris-X. Her PhD was undertaken in collaboration with INRA (the French National Institute for Agricultural […]